Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi There!

We had a chance to go to sunny CA for Thanksgiving this year! Of course it rained for 2 days but we had lots of fun seeing all of the family. Here are the cousins at In N Out which everyone enjoyed. The cousins played and had a great time! From back to front there is: Ben, Sam, Paul, Tom, Kevin, Kira, Edson & Lauren.

We had a wonderful Thanksgving dinner as usual at my parents house in Baldwin Park. Ben got to play with Diego and they had LOTS of fun. Diego is Jim's nephew who lives in Riverside. The time passed very quickly and we were back in Washington again. Now for Christmas....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hi There - We had a great Halloween this year. The weather has been perfect this month. Lots of sun which makes the leaves really stand out. There was no rain or servere cold this Halloween so we really lucked out. Here is a picture of the kids.

Edson was, well I'm not real sure. He is on the edge of being too old for Halloween so this is what I got him to wear. He had to wear his glasses on the outside of his mask which was interesting. He went around with a few friends by themselves (and a cell phone) which made them feel very old.

Ben is a lion, and he really got into the swing of things this year. Jim and I really had to keep up with him and his 4 1/2 year old friend, Jake.

Lauren is a cowgirl who misplaced her hat. The whole look was based on the hat, but oh well. She had a great time trick or treating with her friend Katie. We went to a local development that had lots of houses close together, and a very safe area. Jim proceeded to buy all of Lauren's candy for $20 after she got her select pieces. He bought Ben's for $10, and Edson would not sell. He's one of those kids that still has candy left around Easter. He doesn't eat it, but wants it around just because. Sound familiar Dad????

My Birthday was on Nov. 1st, and I just relaxed with Pete on my lap. He is starting to get some meat on his bones which is good. I read a book and got my hair cut. All in all a relaxing weekend. I did forget to change my clock back an hour so the kids and I were early for church for a change. Laugh it up.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello Family and Friends

Jim set me up with my very own blog. I hope to keep you updated on some family things and happenings up here in Seattle. I miss all the family in California so much and hope to visit soon. Due to outrageous airfare during the holidays, it looks like I will wait until June to drive out with the kids for the next visit to LA.

Here is some news. For my Birthday, I got a little kitten. I named him Pete since he reminds me of DeeAnne's feisty cat. He is a stray and came to us a few days ago very hungry and cold. He hissed pretty good at the beginning, but now realizes it is a lot warmer in a house, and has plenty of food and water available. We now have Shanna, an aging dog, Pete here, and Lauren's kitten, Snowball that she got for her birthday in June.
Well, I hope to share our big summer vacation next time - so until then I'll sign off.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is a test...

This is a test of the Heaz broadcasting network...this is only a test.

Heaz out...